JEP - Number 8-9 - Winter-Fall 1999

Sergio Benvenuto is a researcher in psychology and philosophy at the National Research Council (CNR) in Italy, and a contributor to cultural journals such as Differentia (New York), aut aut (Milan), Lettre Internationale (French, German, Spanish, Hungarian and Italian editions), Transeuropéennes (Paris), Zona Erogena (Buenos Aires). He translated into Italian Jacques Lacan's Séminaire XX. Encore, as well as works of Françoise Dolto, Paul Feyerabend, Richard Rorty, and others. His books include La strategia freudiana (Naples: Liguori, 1984); with Oscar Nicolaus, La bottega dell'anima (Milan: Franco Angeli, 1990), Capire l'America (Genova: Costa & Nolan, 1995), Dicerie e pettegolezzi (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1999), Un cannibale alla nostra mensa (Bari: Dedalo, 2000) in print. []

Julia Borossa holds a PhD in the History and Philosophy of Science. She is currently deputy course coordinator of the Graduate Programmes in Psychoanalysis and Culture at London Guildhall University. She has published several articles on feminist theory and the history of psychoanalysis in journals including the Oxford Literary Review and Paragraph. She has edited and introduced Sandor Ferenczi's Selected Writings (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1999).[]

Sergio Contardi, a psychoanalyst of Lacanian formation, lives and works in Milan. He is one of the founders, and president, of the Psychoanalytic Association Nodi Freudiani - APLI, and a member of the Fondation Européenne pour la Psychanalyse. He has published papers and articles in various Italian and French journals, such as: "La guarigione e la cura analitica", Thelema-La psicanalisi e i suoi intorni, 1990, 2; "La guérison comme construction", in La direction de la cure depuis Lacan, Pickmann, ed. (Paris: Point Hors Ligne, 1994); "La passione dell'analista", Scibbolet-Rivista di Psicanalisi, 1995, 2; "Psychanalyse-Thérapie" in Le Curieux. Courrier de la Bibliothèque de Recherche Freudienne et Lacanienne, 1992, 13/14; "Appartenere all'esilio", Scibbolet-Rivista di Psicanalisi, 1998, 5).[].

Márta Csabai is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Institute of Psychology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest; and a lecturer on medical and health psychology at the University Medical School, Debrecen. She also lectures on theoretical psychoanalysis and social psychology. Her research and publications are related to the themes of gender and psychoanalysis, hysteria, and representations of the body and health. Her books include: Freud titokzatos tárgya. Pszichoanalízis és nõi szexualitás, co-edited with Ferenc Erõs (Budapest: Új Mandátumcx, 1997); Health, Illness and Care. A textbook of medical psychology, co-authored with Péter Molnár (Budapest: Springer, 1999); and Testhatárok és énhatárok. Az identitás változó keretei, co-authored with Ferenc Erõs (Budapest: Jószöveg, 2000). [Address: MTA Pszichológiai Kutató Intézete, Budapest, Victor Hugo u. 18-22, Hungary. POB: 1132.]

Heather Dohollau, poet, born (Lloyd) in Treherbert, Wales, 1925. She studied fine arts in Paris, 1947-48. She married in 1951 and has since lived in France, first on Bréal island in Brittany and since 1958 in Saint-Brieuc. She worked as librarian, writes in French since late 1960s. Among her works (all published at Editions Folle Avoine, Le Housset, BEDEE, France): Seule enfance (1978), La venelle des portes (1981), La Réponse (1982), Matière de Lumière (1985), Pages acquarelles (1989), Les portes d'en bas (1992), La Terre âgée (1996), Les cinq jardins et autres textes (1996), Le point de rosée (1999).
[Address: 27, rue Brizeux, 22000 Saint-Brieuc - France]

Ferenc Erõs (born 1946) is deputy director of the Research Institute for Psychology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, and professor of social psychology at the University of Pécs, where he co-directs a PhD program on theoretical psychoanalysis. He is the editor of Thalassa, a Hungarian review on psychoanalysis, culture and society. His research areas include the social psychology of prejudice and discrimination; a narrative approach to social and personal identity; and the history and theory of psychoanalysis. Major pubications: Pszichoanalízis, freudizmus, freudomarxizmus (Psychoanalysis, Freudianism, Freudo-Marxism) (Budapest: Gondolat, 1986); A válság szociálpszichológiája (The Social Psychology of Crisis) (Budapest: T-Twins, 1994); Filozófusok Freudról (Philosophers on Freud), co-edited with Csaba Szummer (Budapest: Cserépfalvi, 1994); editor of Azonosság és különbözõség. Tanulmányok az identitásról és az elõítéletrõl. (Sameness and difference. Studies on social identity and prejudice) (Budapest: Scientia Humana, 1996); A Quest for Identity. Post War Jewish Identities, co-edited with Yitzhak Kashti, David Schers, David Zisenwine (Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, 1996); Renewal of the Psychoanalytic Tradition in East Central Europe. Special issue of East Cental Europe - L'Europe du Centre-Est. Ein wissenschaftliche Zetschrift. Vol. 24-25. 1997-98, co-edited with Júlia Vajda; Authoritarianism and prejudice. Central European perspectives, co-edited with Zsolt Enyedi (Budapest: Osiris, 1999); Testhatárok és énhatárok. Az identitás változó keretei (The boundaries of the body and the self. The changing frames of identity), co-authored with Márta Csabai (Budapest: Jószöveg, 2000); Az identitás labirintusai. Narratív konstrukciók és identitásstratégiák (The Labyrinths of Identity. Narrative Constructions and Identity Strategies) (Pécs-Budapest: Janus -Osiris, 2000); Analitikus szociálpszichológia. Történet, elmélet, kritika (Analytical Social Psychology. History, Theory and Critique) (Budapest: Új Mandátum, Budapest, 2001), in press. [Address: Research Institute for Psychology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Victor Hugo u. 18-22, H-1132 Budapest, Hungary.]

Iván Fõnagy (born 1920 in Budapest), linguist and psychoanalyst. Research fellow of the Institute of Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences until 1967, when he moved to Paris. Research director of the CNRS (Paris), member of the Societé Psychanalytique de Paris. Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences since 1990. His major works include A költõi nyelv hangtanából (On the phonetics of poetic language) (Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1959); La ripetizione creativa. Ridondanze espressive nell'opera poetica (Bari: Dedalo, 1982); Situation et signification (Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1982); La vive voix (Paris: Payot, 1983).

Maria Luiza Furtado Kahl, a Brazilian national, was born in Palo Alto, California, U.S.A. She graduated in psychology and did post-graduate work in clinical psychology at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC). She obtained her Doctorate in Communications and Culture at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Since 1980 she has lived in Santa Maria in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, where she works as a psychoanalyst and teaches at the University of Santa Maria's Psychology Department. In 1996 she created the graduate course in Psychology at Santa Maria University, becoming its first co-ordinator. She is a member of the Freudian School of Rio de Janeiro and is the leader, with MD Magno, of the Group of Transitive Studies of Contemporary Times (CNPq) which does research in psychoanalysis and contemporary studies. She has published the book A interpretação do sonho de Freud (Santa Maria: EditoraUfsm, 2000).

Béla Grünberger, born 1903 in Nagyvárad, Hungary (now Oradea, Romania), has lived in France since 1939. He is a member of the Societé Psychanalytique de Paris, and author of several books: La sexualité féminine (Paris: Payot 1964) with several co-authors; Le narcissisme. Essais de psychanalyse (Paris: Payot, 1971); Freud ou Reich. Psychanalyse et illusion (Paris: Tchou, 1976) with the collaboration of Janine Chassiguet-Smirgel; Narcisse et Anubis. Essais psychanalytiques (Paris: Éditions des femmes, 1989); Narcissisme, christianisme, antisémitisme (Paris: Hébraica, Actes Sud 1997) with the collaboration of Pierre Dessuant.

Diego Napolitani, M.D., was a member of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society from 1963 until he left the Society in 1999. He founded and directed the first "therapeutic communities" for psychotic patients in Italy, inspired by therapeutic communities directed by Maxwell Jones at Melrose Hospital in Scotland, and Thomas Main at Cassel Hospital in London. This experience led him to an ever greater interest in group analysis, and in historicist-relational psychoanalysis. He was a member of the Group Analytic Society founded by S.H. Foulkes in London, and based on this theoretical principle, he founded in 1980 the Italian Society of Group Analysis. By "group analysis", he means to substitute the "monadic" representation of the mind (psyche) with its structurally relational representation (relation between inner groupings, the idem, and reorganizative or creative disposition, the autos). He has published two books in Italian: Di palo in frasca (Milan: Corpo 10, 1986) and Individualità e gruppalità (Turin: Boringhieri, 1987). Most of his work has been published in the Italian Journal of Group Analysis (Rivista Italiana di Gruppoanalisi), edited by SGAI and two other group-analytic associations. []

Chris Oakley is a psychoanalyst and a member of The Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis in London. His most recent publications are as a contributor to Returns of the 'French Freud': Freud, Lacan and beyond, edited by Todd Dufresne (London: Routledge, 1997) and as editor of What is a group? A fresh look at theory in practice (London: Rebus Press 1999). []

Antonio Quinet graduated in medicine in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1976. In 1979 he moved to Paris, where he remained for ten years, while training in psychiatry at the Kremlin-Bicêtre School of Medicine and in psychoanalysis at the École de la Cause Freudienne, of which he reamined a member until 1998. He has been Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychoanalysis at the University of Paris VIII, is currently a Visiting Professor at the Psychiatric Institute of Rio de Janeiro's Federal University. He has published three books in Portuguese (Teoria e clínica da psicose, 4+1 condições da análise and Descoberta do inconsciente) and one in Spanish (Las condiciones del analisis) in addition to articles in journals such as Ornicar?, l'Ane, Newsletter of the Freudian Field, Trèfle, and Quarto, among others. He is the Brazilian translator of the second and seventh of Lacan's seminars and of Television and Ecrits. In 1996 he presented his doctoral thesis on "The look
as object in psychoanalysis" and in1998 he left the AMP Schools to join the Lacanian Field Forum in Brazil. He is a member of the newly-founded (1999) International Forum of Lacanian Field. []

Judit Szilasi (born 1948) obtained her degree in law in Budapest. She has lived in Paris since 1988. Her interviews and translations were published in the Hungarian psychoanalytic journal Thalassa.

Janet Thormann, obtained her Ph.D. in English from the University of California, Berkeley, and currently teaches English Literature at the College of Marin, Kentfield, California. She is also on the Faculty of the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis, Berkeley, California. She is editor of the journal Anamorphosis (journal of the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis and the San Francisco Society for Lacanian Studies) and associate editor of the journal Literature and Psychoanalysis. She is author of three books of poetry and of numerous articles on Old and Middle English poetry, Shakespeare, and modern literature. []

Slavoj Zizek is a philosopher and psychoanalyst, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia, and a visiting professor at the New School for Social Research, New York. Among his recent publications (all with Verso Books, London): Metastases of Enjoyment. Six Essays on Woman and Causality (1995), The Indivisible Remainder. An Essay on Schelling and Related Matters (1996), The Plague of Fantasies (1997). [Address: Vosnjakova 8 - 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia].