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J E P - Number 22 - 2006 / 1

Lilia Baglioni is a psychoanalyst in private practice, member of the SPI (IPA) and the International Group Psychotherapy Association (IGPA). A former researcher at the physiological and clinical psychology departments of the National Research Council (CNR), she was National Scientific Director of ABA (Association for the Study of Anorexia and Bulimia) and is a co-founder of ARGO (Associa-tion for Research on Homogeneous Groups). Her main areas of interest at present are psychosomatics, affect regulation, unconscious processes and emergent creativity in organized groups, psychosocial pathologies. She has published papers dealing with these issues from a psychoanalytical perspective in books and specialized journals. []

Sergio Benvenuto is a researcher in psychology and philosophy at the National Research Council (CNR) in Italy and a psychoanalyst member of SGAI (Società Gruppo-Analitica Italiana). He is a contributor to cultural journals such as Differentia (New York), Telos (New York), Lettre Internationale (French, German, Spanish, Hungarian, Rumanian and Italian editions), Texte (Wien), RISS (Basel), Journal for Lacanian Studies (London), L’évolution psychiatrique (Paris). He has translated into Italian Jacques Lacan’s Séminaire XX. Encore, as well as works by Françoise Dolto, Paul Feyerabend, Richard Rorty, and others. His books include La strategia freudiana (Naples: Liguori, 1984); with Oscar Nicolaus, La bottega dell'anima (Milan: Franco Angeli, 1990); Capire l’America (Genova: Costa & Nolan, 1995), Dicerie e pettegolezzi (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1999); Un cannibale alla nostra mensa (Bari: Dedalo, 2000); Perversioni. Sessualità, etica, psicoanalisi (Turin: Bollati Boringhieri, 2005) []

Christopher Bollas is an acclaimed author and member of the British Psychoanalytical Society. His most recent fiction and plays look at the possibility of expanding the reach of psychoanalytic writing and theorizing. The latter volumes, all published by Free Association Books (London), include the novels Dark at the End of the Tunnel (2004), I Have Heard the Mermaid Singing (2005), and Mayhem (2006); as well as the collection of plays Theraplay & Other Plays (2006). Bollas lives in London and North Dakota.

Néstor A. Braunstein, Argentinean born (1941), psychoanalyst. Professor, Post-Graduate Department, Schools of Psychology and Philosophy and Literature, National University of
Mexico. Introducer of Lacan's teaching in Mexico (1975). Director of a Master
Degree in Psychoanalysis (1980-2003). Author of 200 papers published in several psychoanalytic reviews all over the world and of various books: Psicología: Ideología y Ciencia (México: Siglo 21, 1975, 21 editions); Psiquiatría, Teoría del Sujeto, Psicoanálisis (Hacia Lacan) (México: Siglo
21, 1980, 12 editions); La Clínica Psicoanalítica: de Freud a Lacan (Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 1987); Goce (México: Siglo 21, 1990, 6 editions) [French transl., La Jouissance: un concept lacanien (1992) (Paris: Point-Hors Ligne); 2ª edition (Paris: Eres, 2005)], was translated into English by Verso, 2001. Completely new edition: El goce. Un concepto lacaniano (Buenos Aires: Siglo 21, 2006); Por el camino de Freud (México: Siglo 21, 2001), Ficcionario de Psicoanálisis (México: Siglo 21, 2001). In print: Du côté de chez Freud (París: Érès, 2007). He is author of the chapter “Desire and Jouissance in Lacanian Teachings” in the Cambridge Companion to Lacan, Jean-Michel Rabaté, ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2003). Author of the introductions to 12 books in various countries, international conferences, round tables and panels. []

Peter Carravetta is Professor of Italian and Comparative Literature at the Graduate Center and Queens College of New York City University. He has published three books on the philosophy of interpretation: Prefaces to the Diaphora (1991), Il fantasma di Hermes (1996) and Dei parlanti (2003). He is also author of six books of poetry, among them The Sun and Other Things (1998). A volume on the American Culture and the end of the Millennium is in print, and he has recently completed a work on Italian criticism and philosophy. Today his researches are focused on the history of colonialism and emigration.

Anthony Molino is a practicing psychoanalyst and award-winning translator of Italian literature. He is best known for the books Freely Associated: Encounters in Psychoanalysis (London: FAB, 1997) and The Couch and the Tree: Dialogues in Psychoanalysis and Buddhism (London: Open Gate Press, 2001). He has also compiled the two-volume Squiggles & Spaces: Revisiting the Work of D.W. Winnicott (London: Whurr, 2001) and, with Christine Ware, edited Where Id Was: Challenging Normalization in Psychoanalysis (Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press; London: Continuum, 2001). His most recent work is Culture, Subject, Psyche: Dialogues in Psychoanalysis and Anthropology (Wesleyan/Whurr, 2004). As a translator, he has published works by poets Antonio Porta, Valerio Magrelli and Lucio Mariani, as well as by playwrights Eduardo De Filippo and Manlio Santanelli. []

Dany Nobus was born in Belgium (1965) and first graduated in developmental and clinical psychology at the University of Ghent, where he subsequently obtained an MSc in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and a PhD in Psychology. In 1996, he moved to Brunel University (West London), where he is now Senior Lecturer in Psychology and Psychoanalysis, and Convener of the MA Program in Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Society. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Sociology at the University of Massachusetts, Boston and a Visiting Professor of Psychiatry at Creighton University Medical School in Omaha NE. His research interests centre around clinical psychoanalytic work, with a special emphasis on technical matters, and epistemological debates concerning the development, acquisition and transmission of knowledge. He has also carried out research on the dynamics of human sexuality, including theoretical studies on perversion and empirical research on priests who sexually abuse children. Dany Nobus has published over 100 articles, book chapters and reports in various academic and professional journals. His most recent books include the edited collection Key Concepts of Lacanian Psychoanalysis (New York: The Other Press, 1999), Jacques Lacan and The Freudian Practice of Psychoanalysis (London: Routledge, 2000) and Knowing Nothing, Staying Stupid: Elements for a Psychoanalytic Epistemology (with Malcolm Quinn) (London: Routledge, 2005). In 2003, he also created the Journal for Lacanian Studies, the first international peer-reviewed journal for Lacanian psychoanalysis, five issues of which have now appeared. A new edited book (with Lisa Downing) entitled Perversion: Psychoanalytic Perspectives/Perspectives on Psychoanalysis was published by Karnac Books in 2006, and he is currently also completing a monograph on the life and work of Theodor Reik (Architect of the Third Ear), an edited volume on the cultural limits of psychoanalysis (Freudian Currencies), a collection of papers (with Lorenzo Chiesa) on Lacan’s Seminar VII (The Ethics of Psychoanalysis), an introductory book on Lacan for a new series of books published by Cambridge University Press, and a special issue of JEP on “Wittgenstein and Psychoanalysis”.

Claude-Noële Pickmann is a psychoanalyst in Paris. She is a member of Espace analytique, of Fondation européenne pour la psychanalyse and of the working group Asphère, which is involved in research and debates on Psychoanalysis & Femininity. Among her contributions: « L’hystérique et le ravage », in A. Michels, ed., Actualité de l’hystérie (Paris : Eres, 2001); « Féminité et homosexualité féminine : la reprise de l’amour », La clinique lacanienne, 4, Eres, 2000 ; « La vérité tournée savoir…ou tournée vinaigre, variations bien tempérées sur le ressentiment féminin », in La célibataire, 5, « Etes-vous ressentimental ? », EDK, été-automne 2001; « Une suppléance par le symptôme: un cas d’anorexie », La clinique lacanienne, 6, Eres, 2003; « Le père-qui-jouit : trauma et fantasme », Filigrane, 11/2, Montréal (Canada) 2003 ; « La petite fille existe-t-elle ? », La lettre du Grape, 51, « Les filles », Eres, 2003; « La femme donne à la jouissance d’oser le masque de la répétition », The Letter 24, 2002 ; “Examining a clinic of the not-all”, The Letter, 2004 ; “Désir d’enfant, féminité et infertilité”, La psychanalyse encore!, Eres 2006.

Elisabeth Roudinesco
, historian, psychoanalyst and writer, was born in 1944. She was a member of the Ecole Freudienne de Paris (1969-1981). She teaches History at the University of Paris VII, and at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris. She is Vice-president of the International Society of the History of Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis. Her published works include: L'Inconscient et ses Lettres (Paris: Mame, 1975); Jacques Lacan & Co. A History of Psychoanalysis in France (London: Free Association, 1990; Chicago: Chicago Univ. Press, 1990); Théroigne de Méricourt. Une femme mélancolique sous la Révolution (Paris: Ed. du Seuil, 1989; Engl.transl., London: Verso 1991); Jacques Lacan. Esquisse d' une vie, histoire d' un système de pensée (Paris: Fayard, 1993; Engl. transl., New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1996); Généalogies (Paris: Fayard, 1994); with Michel Plon, Dictionnaire de la Psychanalyse (Paris: Fayard, 1999) [89, Avenue Denfert-Rochereau – 75014 Paris]
Manya Steinkoler is adjunct professor of Comparative Literature at Barnard College and Fordham University. She has recently published articles in A, A Journal of Culture and the Unconscious (Berkeley, CA) as well as in Literature and Psychology (Rhode Island) where her fiction has also appeared.

Janet Thormann obtained her Ph.D. in English from the University of California, Berkeley, and currently teaches English Literature at the College of Marin, Kentfield, California. She is the author of three books of poetry and of numerous articles on Old and Middle English poetry, Shakespeare, and modern literature. []
Gianni Vattimo, born in 1936, studied philosophy with Luigi Pareyson, Hans Georg Gadamer and Karl Löwith. He teaches theoretical philosophy at the University of Turin, Italy, and has taught as visiting professor in many universities in the US. He was a member of the European Parliament for Italy. Among his books published in English: The End of Modernity: Nihilism and Hermeneutics in Postmodern Culture (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1991); The Transparent Society (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1992); with A. Bonito Oliva, eds., James Lee Byars: The Perfect Thought (Distributed Art Publishers, 1992); The Adventures of Difference: Philosophy After Nietzsche and Heidegger (Parallax Re-Visions of Culture and Society) (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1993); Beyond Interpretation: The Meaning of Hermeneutics for Philosophy (Palo Alto: Stanford Univ. Press, 1997); Consequences of Hermeneutics, Philosophy & Literary Theory Series (Prometheus Books, 1999); Belief (Palo Alto: Stanford Univ. Press, 2000); Nietzsche: An introduction (Palo Alto: Stanford Univ. Press, 2002); After Christianity (New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 2002).

Paul L. Wachtel, Ph.D., is CUNY Distinguished Professor in the doctoral program in clinical psychology at City College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and is a member of the faculty of the Postdoctoral Program in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy at New YorkUniversity. He was a co-founder of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration. His books include: Psychoanalysis and Behavior Therapy (New York: Basic Books, 1977); The Poverty of Affluence (New York: the Free Press, 1983); with Ellen F. Wachtel, Family Dynamics in Individual Psychotherapy (New York: Guilford, 1986); Action and Insight (New York: Guilford, 1987); Therapeutic Communication (New York: Guilford, 1993); Psychoanalysis, Behavior Therapy, and the Relational World (Washington, DC: American Psychological Association); and Race in the Mind of America: Breaking the Vicious Circles Between Blacks and Whites (New York: Routledge, 1999). His next book, forthcoming from Guilford Press, is Relational Psychotherapy. []

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