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J E P - Number 19 - 2004 / 2

Sergio Benvenuto is a researcher in psychology and philosophy at the National Research Council (CNR) in Italy, and a psychoanalyst member of the SGAI (Società Gruppo-Analitica Italiana). He is a contributor to cultural journals such as Differentia (New York), Lettre Internationale (French, German, Spanish, Hungarian and Italian editions), Transeuropéennes (Paris) and RISS (Basel). He has translated into Italian Jacques Lacan’s Séminaire XX. Encore, as well as works by Françoise Dolto, Paul Feyerabend, Richard Rorty, and others. His books include La strategia freudiana (Naples: Liguori, 1984); with Oscar Nicolaus, La bottega dell'anima (Milan: Franco Angeli, 1990); Capire l’America (Genova: Costa & Nolan, 1995), Dicerie e pettegolezzi (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1999); Un cannibale alla nostra mensa (Bari: Dedalo, 2000). []

Márta Csabai is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Institute of Psychology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest and a lecturer on medical and health psychology at the University Medical School, Debrecen. She also lectures on theoretical psychoanalysis and social psychology. Her research and publications are related to the themes of gender and psychoanalysis, hysteria, and representations of the body and health. Her books include: Freud titokzatos tárgya. Pszichoanalízis és nŒi szexualitás, co-edited with Ferenc ErŒs (Budapest: Új Mandátumcx, 1997); Health, Illness and Care. A textbook of medical psychology, co-authored with Péter Molnár (Budapest: Springer, 1999); and Testhatárok és énhatárok. Az identitás változó keretei, co-authored with Ferenc ErŒs (Budapest: Jószöveg, 2000). [Address: MTA Pszichológiai Kutató Intézete, Budapest, Victor Hugo u. 18-22, Hungary, POB: 1132. []

Jacques Derrida (El Biar, Algeria, 1930 – Paris 2004) is one of the most famous contemporary philosophers. He taught philosophy at Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris. His works published in English include: Of Grammatology (Baltimore & London: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1976); Writing and Difference (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978); Positions (London: Athlone, 1981); Margins of Philosophy (Brighton: Harvester Press, 1982); Dissemination (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1983); The Post-card, from Socrates to Freud and Beyond (Chicago & London: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1987); The Truth in Painting (Chicago & London: Chicago Univ. Press, 1987); Limited Inc. (Evanston: Northwestern Univ., 1988); Of Spirit, Heidegger and the Question (Chicago & London: Chicago Univ. Press, 1989); Memoirs of the Blind, the Self-Portrait & Other Ruins (Chicago & London: Chicago Univ. Press, 1993); Specters of Marx (New York & London: Routledge, 1994.); The Gift of Death (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996); Deconstruction in a Nutshell. A Conversation by J.D. Caputo (New York: Fordham Univ. Press, 1997); Of Hospitality (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford Univ. Press, 2000); The Work of Mourning (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 2003); Rogues: Two Essays on Reason (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford Univ. Press, 2005).

Marco Focchi, a practicing psychoanalyst in Milan, is a member of the World Psychoanalytic Association with the title of AME (Analyste Membre de l’Ecole). He lectures at the Freudian Institute for Clinical Practice, Therapy and Science, as well as being Scientific Director of “Gruppozero”, Center of Contemporary Distress. He coordinates the psychology services for a complex of schools in Milan. His published works include: La lingua indiscreta (Milan: Franco Angeli, 1985), L'oggetto immemore (Milan: Franco Angeli, 1988), Dovunque altrove (Milan: Guerini, 1990), L'identità vuota (Milan: Guerini, 1991), Evento e ripetizione (Castrovillari: Teda, 1995), Il buon uso dell'inconscio (Rome: Editori Riuniti, 2000), Il cambiamento in psicoanalisi (Turin: Bollati Boringhieri, 2001) [].

Alfredo Lombardozzi is a SPI (Italian Psychoanalytical Society) analyst and a member of the IIGP (Italian Institute of Group Analysis). For several years he worked as an anthropologist for Rome’s National Museum of Folk Art and Traditions, where he carried out research on folk rites and ceremonies, on the history of Italian ethnography and on folklore and the imaginative world of children. Within group analysis he has been involved in research and clinical practice with child-adult groups. He has analysed the relationship between anthropology and psychoanalysis. He lectured in Psychoanalytical Anthropology at the University of Chieti and currently reads Developmental Psychology at the University of L’Aquila. His many scientific contributions for specialist publications include: “Antropologia psicoanalitica dell’identità plurietnica”, Koinos, Gruppo e funzione analitica, 2, 1992; “Misunderstanding: incontri ai margini del caos tra psicoanalisi e antropologia”, Koinos, Gruppo e funzione analitica, 1, 2000; “Le culture del sogno: una prospettiva antropologica”, Funzione Gamma, 10, 2002; “Figure dell’incontro: psicoanalisi e antropologia”, Koinos, Gruppo e funzione analitica, XXV, 1, 2004; “Mito e linguaggio in un gruppo di bambini” , Koinos – Gruppo e funzione analitica, 1,1990; “Bambini che sognano in gruppo”, Funzione Gamma, 1, 1999. [Address: Viale delle Milizie 2 - 00192 Roma]

René Major, M.D., is a specialist in psychiatry. He was trained in psychoanalysis at the Paris Psychoanalytical Society and became a Training Analyst in the early 1970s. During that time he also followed Lacan's teaching at Sainte-Anne Hospital and at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris. After having been Director of the Paris Psychoanalytic Institute in 1973, he founded in 1979 the journal Confrontation. In 1983, he was appointed Program Director at the newly created International College of Philosophy in Paris. He is also President of the International Society for the History of Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis. In 1995 he created the journal Contretemps. Among his books: Rêver l'autre (Paris: Aubier, 1977); L'agonie du jour (Paris: Aubier, 1979); Le discernement (Paris: Aubier, 1984); De l'élection (Paris: Aubier, 1986); Lacan avec Derrida (Paris: Mentha, 1991). In July 2000, he organized in Paris the Estates General of Psychoanalysis, and in 2002 he founded the Institute for Advanced Studies in Psychoanalysis, an organization which links psychoanalysts from different European countries on an interdisciplinary basis [].

Viktor Mazin, with a PhD in philosophy (Subject of Freud and Derrida), is a practicing psychoanalyst and lecturer in the theory of Freudian-Lacanian psychoanalysis. He is the founder of Freud's Dream Museum in St. Petersburg, editor-in-chief of the arts and science journal Kabinet, co-editor of “Psychoanalysis” (Ukraine), and Associate Editor of “Journal for Lacanian Studies”. He is the author of numerous articles and books on the theory of psychoanalysis, deconstruction and visual arts, such as: Yufit and: representation of death (St. Petersburg: Inapress, 1998); Cabinet of the deep experience: Freud, Moses, Michelangelo, with P. Pepperstein (St. Petersburg: Inapress, 2000); Introduction into Lacan (Moscow: Pragmatica Kultury, 2004); The Mirror Stage of Lacan (St.Petersburg: Aleteya, 2005); The interpretation of dreams in the era of mass communication (Moscow: NLO, 2005). He has translated works from French and English (of S.Zizek, R.Salecl, F.Guattari, B.Stiegler, L.Althusser, J.-F.Lyotard, M.Molnar. []

Jean-Luc Nancy teaches philosophy at the University of Strasburg and previously of San Diego (Calif.). Among his works: with Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Le titre de la lettre. Une lecture de Lacan (Paris: Galilée, 1972); with Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, L’Absolu littéraire (Paris: Le Seuil, 1978); La communauté désoeuvrée (Paris: 1986, 2001); L’expérience de la liberté (Paris: Galilée, 1988); Etre singulier pluriel (Paris: 1996); Hegel, L’inquiétude du négatif (Paris: 1997); Le regard du portrait (Paris: Galilée, 2000); L’”il y a” du rapport sexuel (Paris: Galilée, 2001). []

Giuliana Porzio. Born in 1956, graduated in Medicine at the University of Naples in 1984 and majored in Psychiatry with honors in 1990. Jungian, Freudian, Lacanian and Bionian analyses. Received a diploma from the Freudian Institute of Psychoanalysis in Rome with her thesis published in the "Quaderni milanesi di Psiconalisi". Currently 1st level medical manager in Psychiatry at the Pinerolo Mental Health Center in the Turin area.

Mikail Reshetnikov, M.D., a psychotherapist and psychoanalyst, lives and works in St. Petersburg. He is founder and director of the East-European Psychoanalytic Institute, President of the National Psychoanalytic Federation of Russia and editor of the journal (in Russian) Psychoanalytical Bulletin. His books and articles include: "Drive to the Death" in Thanatology (St.-Petersburg: East European Psychoanalytic Institute,1994); The Modern Russian Mentality (Moscow: Rissiyskie Vesty, 1996); "La Question de la Psychanalyse en Russie. Rapport du Co-President de la RPA", SYNAPSE - Journ. de Psychiatrie et Système Nerveux Central, 143, 1998. p. 55-60; "Interpersonal Psychoanalysis of Garry Sullivan", Vestnik Psihoanalysa [Psychoanalytical Bulletin], 1999; "Hetero-, Homo-, Neo-, Bi-?", Vestnik Psihoanalysa, 1999; "The Essential Question of Training of Psychotherapists", Vestnik Psihoanalysa, 1999; "Main Ways to Get Professional Recognition in Psychoanalysis", Vestnik Psihoanalysa, 1999; "Actual Questions of Reforms in Russian Psychotherapy", Vestnik Psihoanalysa, 2000; "Methodological Meaning of Classification, Concepts of Norm and Pathology", Vestnik Psihoanalysa, 2001; "Statistics or Case?" in Helmut Thomae and Horst Kaechele, eds., The Modern Psychoanalysis: Reasserts (St. Petersburg: East European Psychoanalytic Institute, 2001); "About Filiations" in Wladimir Granov, ed., The Future of the Oedipal Complex (St. Petersburg: East European Psychoanalytic Institute, 2001). []

Email addresses of the translators:

Tristram Bruce:
Marcel Sima Lieberman:
Gianmaria Senia:
Olga and Peter Serebryany:
Claudia Vaughn:
Louise Zinn:

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