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J E P - Number 17 - Summer-Winter 2003

Ola Andersson (1919-1990) was a member of the Swedish Psychoanalytic Society. He was an Associate professor at the University of Uppsala. In 1962 he published Studies in the prehistory of psychoanalysis. The etiology of psychoneuroses and some related themes in Sigmund Freud's scientific writings and letters 1886-1896.

Giordano Bruno is researcher and professor of Mathematical Analysis and Probability Calculus at Rome’s Università La Sapienza and of Mathematics and Mathematical Didactics at Università Roma Tre and Mathematics lecturer at Rome’s ISIA Design Institute. He is national board member of Mathesis and Chairman of the Rieti branch. He has dealt with several foundational and application problems within probability theory and is concerned with significant aspects in the field of functional analysis. Today his interests mainly concentrate on the problems of mathematical didactics and in the teaching and learning of the logics of uncertainty. His contributions include: "Confronto fra eventi condizionati di probabilità nulla nell'inferenza statistica bayesiana", Riv. Mat. per le Sc. Ec. e Soc., Fasc. 2, 1985, 141-152 (with A. Gilio), "A Bayesian-Adaptive decision Method for the V/UV/S Classification of segments of a Speech Signal", IEEE Trans. on ASSP, vol.35, n.4, Ap. 87 (with A. Gilio, M.D. Di Benedetto, P. Mandarini). "Sull'uso della pseudodensità per la verifica bayesiana dell'ipotesi di uniformità; di un campione di numeri pseudocasuali", Metron, V. XVII, 1989. "The convolution in Bqap spaces", Rend. Mat., Series VII, vol. 15, Rome (1995), 293-309. "Il teorema di Bayes nella didattica della matematica", Minutes of the Convegno Nazionale Mathesis, Cattolica, 1991. "Logica dell'incerto e insegnamento della matematica", XIII Convegno UMI-CIIM, Loano 2002.

John C. Burnham is Research Professor of History, by courtesy Professor of Psychiatry, and Scholar in Residence in the Medical Heritage Center at The Ohio State University in the USA. He is the author of many scholarly articles, and among his books are: Jelliffe: American Psychoanalyst and Physician (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1983); Paths into American Culture: Psychology, Medicine, and Morals (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1988); and How the Idea of Profession Changed the Writing of Medical History (London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1998). []

Per Magnus Johansson, Associate Professor of the History of Ideas and Theory of Science at the University of Gothenburg. Johansson has written the history of psychoanalysis in Sweden and is the author of several books and articles. The most recent of his books, Freud's Psychoanalysis. The Heirs in Sweden. Part two was published in 2003. He has also translated Michel Foucault into Swedish. Johansson was trained as a psychoanalyst in Paris and has been practicing psychoanalysis for the last fifteen years. He is also an authorized psychologist. He is the founder and the president of Freudianska Föreningen in Gothenburg and the editor of Psykoanalytisk Tid/Skrift.

Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, a French philosopher, was born in Tours (France) in 1940. He teaches philosophy and aesthetics at the University of Strasbourg. He has worked as playwright, director and actor at the Théâtre National de Strasbourg, at the Centre Dramatique des Alpes, and at the Théâtre National de la Colline; in particular, he co-wrote and co-directed with Michel Deutsch the play Sit venia verbo. His books include: The Title of the Letter (A Reading of Lacan) (New York: SUNY Press, 1992) and The Literary Absolute (New York: SUNY Press, 1988), both with Jean-Luc Nancy; Portrait de l’artiste, en général (Paris: Bourgois, 1979); Typography (Mimesis, Philosophy, Politics) (Harvard: Harvard Univ. Press, 1989); The Subject of Philosophy (University of Minnesota Press, 1993); Heidegger, Art and Politics (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1990); Musica ficta (Figures of Wagner) (Palo Alto: Stanford Univ. Press, 1994); L'Imitation des Modernes (Typographies II) (Paris: Galilée, 1986); La Poésie comme Expérience (Paris: Bourgois, 1986); La Fiction du Politique (Paris: Bourgois, 1987)[Address: Université des Sciences Humaines de Strasbourg, Formation Doctorale de Philosophie, 22 rue René Descartes, F-67064 Strasbourg cedex - France]

Giampaolo Lai is a psychoanalyst, Ordinary Member of the Swiss Psychoanalytical Society (IPA). He has worked at the Psychiatric Clinic of the University of Lausanne, where he followed a classical Freudian training. In his psychoanalytic researches he has inserted the philosophy of language in the theory and practice of psychoanalysis (see Le parole del primo colloquio, 1976; Un sogno di Freud, 1977; Due errori di Freud, 1978, all three published by Boringhieri, Turin). He has privileged the ethical over the cognitive aspect, substituting the search for happiness to the research of truth (see La conversazione felice, Milan: Il Saggiatore, 1985). He has studied the loss of identity and the dissolution of the psychological Ego (cf. Disidentità, Milan: Feltrinelli, 1988). He has elaborated a conceptual and practical design, Conversationalism (Conversazionalismo), which revolves around three key words: material conversations, immaterial conversation, adventures of the grammatical subject (see Conversazionalismo, 1993; La conversazione immateriale, 1995; both published by Bollati-Boringhieri, Turin). He is a Professor at the School for Specialization in Psychotherapy at the State University of Milan. He is the President of the research group Accademia delle tecniche conversazionali and the editor of the journal Tecniche conversazionali. [Via Camperio 9 - 20123 Milano, Italy;]

Jean-Luc Nancy teaches philosophy at the University of Strasburg and previously of San Diego (Calif.). Among his works: with Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Le titre de la lettre. Une lecture de Lacan (Paris: Galilée, 1972); with Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, L’Absolu littéraire (Paris: Le Seuil, 1978); La communauté désoeuvrée (Paris: 1986, 2001); L’expérience de la liberté (Paris: Galilée, 1988); Etre singulier pluriel (Paris: 1996); Hegel, L’inquiétude du négatif (Paris: 1997); Le regard du portrait (Paris: Galilée, 2000); L’”il y a” du rapport sexuel (Paris: Galilée, 2001). []

Diego Napolitani, M.D., was a member of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society (IPA) from 1963 until he left it in 1999. He founded and directed the first “therapeutic communities” for psychotic patients in Italy, inspired by therapeutic communities directed by Maxwell Jones at Melrose Hospital in Scotland, and Thomas Main at Cassel Hospital in London. This experience led him to an ever greater interest in group analysis, and in historicist-relational psychoanalysis. He was a member of the Group Analytic Society founded by S.H. Foulkes in London, and in 1980 he founded the Italian Society of Group Analysis, based on this theoretical principle. By "group analysis" he means the substitution of the “monadic” representation of the mind (psyche) with its structurally relational representation (relation between inner groupings, the idem, and reorganizative or creative disposition, the autos). He has published two books in Italian: Di palo in frasca (Milan: Corpo 10, 1986) and Individualità e gruppalità (Turin: Boringhieri, 1987). Most of his work has been published in the Italian Journal of Group Analysis (Rivista Italiana di GruppoAnalisi), edited by SGAI and two other group-analytic associations. []

Telmo Pievani (born in Italy in 1970) is researcher in the field of Philosophy of Science and Evolutionary Epistemology. After several periods of study in USA under the supervision of Niles Eldredge and Ian Tattersall at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, he is appointed professor of Epistemology at the University of Milan II Bicocca. He published 42 scientific papers in Italian and International reviews. His first monograph about paleoanthropology, Homo sapiens and Other Catastrophes (Rome: Meltemi, 2002), reached the second edition in few months. He is the co-founder of GRICO-Research Group on Imagination and Cognition at the University of Milan II Bicocca. He is the Chief of the Scientific Secretariat of the Festival of Science of Genoa. Involved in research projects with Luca Luigi Cavalli Sforza (Stanford University), he is fellow of the International Research Group on Evolutionary Hierarchy Theory founded by Niles Eldredge (American Museum of Natural History of New York). He is the editor of the Italian edition of Stephen J. Gould's The Structure of Evolutionary Theory (Turin: Codice Edizioni, 2003)[].

Janet Thormann obtained her Ph.D. in English from the University of California, Berkeley, and currently teaches English Literature at the College of Marin, Kentfield, California. She is the author of three books of poetry and of numerous articles on Old and Middle English poetry, Shakespeare, and modern literature. []

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