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J E P - Number 15 - Fall-Winter 2002

Jorge Alemán is a psychoanalyst, member of the Spanish Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis and of the World Association of Psychoanalysis. Born in Buenos Aires, he has lived and worked in Madrid since 1976. Founding member of "Cruce", Foundation for the study of Art and Psychoanalysis. His books include: Lacan-El campo del Goce (Buenos Aires: Miguel Gómez Editores), Lacan-Heidegger, un decir menos tonto (Madrid: Editorial S’ntesis); Jacques Lacan y el campo postmoderno (Madrid: S’ntesis); Lacan y la Antifilosof’a (Buenos Aires: Ediciones del Seminario). [, C/Viriato 20 Madrid (28010) España. Tel: 34.91.5931752, Fax 34.91.4482836]

Carlo Caltagirone, neuropsychiatrist, professor of Neurological Rehabilitation at the Medicine Faculty of “Tor Vergata” University in Rome and Scientific Director of the “Fondazione Santa Lucia”, Scientific Institute for Research and Health Care. He has published over 140 papers on international scientific journals, dealing with issues regarding clinical neurology, clinical and behavioral neuropsychology and neuro-rehabilitation [].

Sergio Contardi, a psychoanalyst of Lacanian formation, lives and works in Milan. He is one of the founders, and president, of the Psychoanalytic Association “Nodi Freudiani” - APLI, and a member of the Fondation Européenne pour la Psychanalyse. He has published papers and articles in various Italian and French journals, such as: “La guarigione e la cura analitica”, Thelema-La psicanalisi e i suoi intorni, 1990, 2; “La guérison comme construction”, in La direction de la cure depuis Lacan, Pickmann, ed. (Paris: Point Hors Ligne, 1994); “La passione dell’analista”, Scibbolet-Rivista di Psicanalisi, 1995, 2; “Psychanalyse-Thérapie” in Le Curieux. Courrier de la Bibliothèque de Recherche Freudienne et Lacanienne, 1992, 13/14; "Appartenere all'esilio", Scibbolet-Rivista di Psicanalisi, 1998, 5).[].

Alberto Costa, Ph.D. student in neuropsychology at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Rome, specialized in “individual and group analytic psychotherapy”. He was professor of Clinical Psychology at a first level degree course for orthopedic technicians at the Medicine faculty of the “Tor Vergata” University in Rome. His current research focuses on the study of cognitive and affective processes in neurological diseases and psycho-affective syndromes. He is author or co-author of several papers [].

Alfonso M. Iacono is professor of History of political philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Pisa, Italy. In 2002 he was visiting professor of Philosophy at the University of Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne). His published works include: Il borghese e il selvaggio (Milan: Angeli, 1982); Teorie del feticismo (Milan: Giuffré, 1985); Europa and Fetischismus in Europäische Enzyklopädie zu Philosophie und Wissenschaften (Hamburg: Felix Meiner, 1990); Le fétichisme. Histoire d'un concept (Paris: P.U.F, 1992); The American Indians and the Ancients of Europe: The Idea of Comparison and the Construction of Historical Time in the 18th Century, in various authors., The Classical Tradition and the Americas, ed. M. Reinhold and W. Haase, vol. I (Berlin-New York: De Gruyter, 1994); Tra individui e cose (Rome: Manifestolibri, 1995); L'événement et l'observateur (Parios: L'Harmattan, 1998); Paura e meraviglia. Storie filosofiche del XVIII secolo (Catanzaro: Rubbettino, 1998); Autonomia, potere, minorità (Milan: Feltrinelli, 2000); Caminhos de sa’da do estado de minoridade (Rio de Janeiro: Lacerda, 2001).[]

Richard G. Klein, formerly a computer programmer-systems analyst,
he is a book-dealer living in New York City. His interest in Freud
and Lacan spans over thirty years. He is currently a member of the society Apèes-Coup, the NYFLAG and Nomos. He is also a contributing editor of the journal Lacanian Ink and an associate editor of the Lacanian journal Re-Turn. An archivist of Freudian and Lacanian materials, he is currently preparing bilingual texts of Freud and Lacan [].

Diego Napolitani, M.D., member of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society (SPI) 1963-1999. Founder and director of the first “therapeutic communities” for psychotic patients in Italy, inspired by therapeutic communities directed by Maxwell Jones at Melrose Hospital in Scotland, and Thomas Main at Cassel Hospital in London. This experience led him to an ever greater interest in group analysis, and in historicist-relational psychoanalysis. He was a member of the Group Analytic Society founded by S.H. Foulkes in London and, based on this theoretical principle, he founded in 1980 the Italian Society of Group Analysis (SGAI). By "group analysis", he means the substitution of the “monadic” representation of the mind (psyche) with its structurally relational representation (relation between inner groupings, the idem, and reorganizational or creative disposition, the autos). He has published two books in Italian: Di palo in frasca (Milan: Corpo 10, 1986) and Individualità e gruppalità (Turin: Boringhieri, 1987). Most of his work has been published in the Italian Journal of Group Analysis (Rivista Italiana di GruppoAnalisi), edited by SGAI and two other group-analytic associations. []

Roberto P. Neuburger, M.D., psychoanalyst, practices in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is staff psychiatrist of the Hospital General de Agudos, "Dr. I. Pirovano"; former Resident in the Psychopathology Department, Policl’nico "G. Aráoz Alfaro", Lanœs; and former member of the Freudian School of Buenos Aires. He publishes papers in: Psicoanálisis y el Hospital (Buenos Aires), Inscribir el Psicoanálisis (Costa Rica), Papers of the Freudian School of Melbourne (Australia), L'Information Psychiatrique (Paris), Zeitschrift für Psychoanalytische Theorie und Praxis (Frankfurt/M), Kliniki Psykhodinamiki (Athens), Clinical Studies (New York), Vyestnik (St. Petersburg). []

Mario Pujó graduated in Psychology 1975 (UBA) D.E.S.S. Psychologie Clinique 1979 (Paris V - Sorbonne). Psychoanalyst, he has published the books: La práctica del psicoanalista (Buenos Aires: Editorial Paradiso Psicoanálisis) and Loque no cesa--Del psicoanálisis a sus extensiones (Ediciones del Seminario, Buenos Aires), as well as several papers in specialized Journals. Since 1992 he has been chief editor of Psicoanálisis y el Hospital, Journal of Psychoanalysts at the Public Hospitals (2 volumes per year). Director of the Seminars on Formation of the Psychoanalyst and The psychoanalyst and Hospital Practice in Psicomundo, since 1998. He works in Buenos Aires. [Viamonte 1646 - 7o 59 - 1055 Ciudad de Buenos Aires - Argentina;; telefax: 54.11.4812-7567]

Juan Batista Ritvo, born in Santa Fe (Argentina), 1940. Professor of Philosophy and Psychology at the National University, Rosario, Argentina; Lecturer at the Career for Doctorship, University of Psychology, NUR; Psychoanalyst, essayist, he works in Rosario and Buenos Aires. He has published several books, Formas de sensibilidad being his latest. Forthcoming titles include: Saturno: decadencia y melancol’a and Adiós, querido enemigo y otrosensayos. Member of the Editorial Board of Sitio and Conjetural, Journal of Psychoanalysis. Founding member of Essay and Critique of Psychoanalysis []

Sergio Rodr’guez. Former president of the Union of Medicine and Counselor to the National University, Buenos Aires, 1965-6. Member of the Central Committee, Youth Division, Communist Party of Argentina. Founding member of the Revolutionary Communist Party from 1967 to 1971. He abandoned the Party’s politics after taking part in the Chinese Proletarian Cultural Revolution, considering how the Communist experience had reached a deadlock. Member of the Board of the Center of Instruction for Mental Health Workers until the military coup of 1976. Training analyst at the Association of Argentine Psychologists, later expelled because of his condition as a M.D. After meeting Lacan in Caracas, he became a member of the Freudian School of Buenos Aires, until 1987 when he left this institution in rejection of its “Jesuitical” politics. Participated in most of the Lacan-American Conferences, until recently. He discussed in public with J.A. Miller during the Third Meeting of the Freudian Field in Buenos Aires. From 1987 onwards he has edited Psyche, monthly Journal of psychoanalysis, now available online ( and from 2002 Televerdades ( He has published over 10 books. Among them: En la trastienda de los consultorios, Des-con-cierto, Pollerudos, Escenas, causas y razones de la vida erotica (the last two together with the late R. Estacolchic).

Elisabeth Roudinesco, historian, psychoanalyst and writer, was born in 1944. She was a member of the Ecole Freudienne de Paris (1969-1981). She teaches History at the University of Paris VII, and at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris. She is Vice-president of the International Society of the History of Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis. Her published works include: L'Inconscient et ses Lettres (Paris: Mame, 1975); Jacques Lacan & Co. A History of Psychoanalysis in France (London: Free Association, 1990; Chicago: Chicago Univ. Press, 1990); Théroigne de Méricourt. Une femme mélancolique sous la Révolution (Paris: Ed. du Seuil, 1989; Engl.transl., London: Verso 1991); Jacques Lacan. Esquisse d' une vie, histoire d' un système de pensée (Paris: Fayard, 1993; Engl. transl., New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1996); Généalogies (Paris: Fayard, 1994); with Michel Plon, Dictionnaire de la Psychanalyse (Paris: Fayard, 1999) [89, Avenue Denfert-Rochereau Ð 75014 Paris]

Antonello Sciacchitano, M.D., a psychiatrist who has been working as a psychoanalyst in Milan since 1975. In 1992 he founded the Italian Lacanian Psychoanalytical Association (APLI), and he is a supporter of Spaziozero, an Italian movement for lay psychoanalysis. He contributes to the philosophical journal aut aut. He has published several psychoanalytical essays in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese. His main interest concerns the weakening of logical binarism and its relationship with repetition. Among his books, Anoressia, sintomo e angoscia (Milano: Guerini, 1994) and Il terzo incluso. Saggio di logica epistemica (Firenze: Shakespeare & Co., 1995). []

Annie Shane is a practicing psychoanalyst in Berkeley, California. She recently edited Four Lessons of Psychoanalysis by Moustafa Safouan (New York: Other Press).

B. Uzorskis graduated as a Ph.D. in Psychology at the University of Buenos Aires; he is a psychoanalyst and teaches at the Faculty of Psychology, Buenos Aires. Member of the Buenos Aires Analytical Society, Guest Member at the Society of Ethics in Medicine. He edits Psicoanálisis en Territorio Médico at He has worked in several Public Hospitals and as a Liaison-Consultant at the Güemes General Sanatory. From 1977 he devoted himself to the study of psychological care for medically ill patients, particularly with the in-patients of Intensive Care Units. Member of several national and international Conferences. Award of the Argentine Association of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology of Buenos Aires, and Paidós Publishing House. His latest publication, Cl’nica de la subjetividad en territorio médico (Buenos Aires: Letra Viva, 2002) was awarded the Annual Letra Viva Publishing House Award []

Francisco J. Varela (1946-2001) held a doctoral degree in biological sciences from Harvard University (1970). His interests centered on the biological mechanisms of cognitive phenomena and human consciousness, both at the level of experimental research and conceptual foundations. He was Director of Research at CNRS (National Council for Scientific Research) and a member of CREA (Cognitive and Epistemological Sciences) at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris (LENA - Neurosciences Cognitives et Imagerie Cérébrale). Among his books: Principles of Biological Autonomy (New York: Elsevier/North-Holland, 1979); with H. Maturana Autopoiesis and Cognition: The realization of the living (Boston: D. Reidel, 1980); The Tree of Knowledge: A new look at the biological roots of human understanding (Boston: Shambhala/New Science Library, 1987); with E. Thompson and E. Rosch The Embodied Mind: Cognitive science and human experience (Cambridge, USA: MIT Press, 1991). As editor, he published: Comparative Neurobiology of Vision in Vertebrates, Proceedings of the International Symposium, November 1982; with J.P. Dupuy Understanding Origin: Scientific Ideas on the Origin of Life, Mind, and Society (Stanford University International Symposium, 1992); with W. Stein Thinking About Biology: An introduction to Theoretical Biology (Series on Complexity, Addison-Wesley, NJ); with J. Shear “The View from Within: First-Person Methodologies in the Study of Consciousness”, Special Issue of Journal of Consciousness Studies, 6 (2-3), 1999.

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